
Friday 31 May 2013

the effect of giving rewards toward the motivation of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English?






            This chapter presents background, problem statement, objective of the research, significance of the research, and the scope of the research.
A.    Background
Many students think that learning English is very difficult and boring. Based on the curriculum, the students that have graduated from junior high school are expected to master the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and also have ability to communicate both in written and oral language to achieve functional and informational literacy. Therefore, the teaching in English of junior high school is aimed at developing the four language skills in order that the students can motivate students in learning English language.
         English is a difficult lesson for students, most teachers and parents have to cooperate to make students realize and want to study English well. English is not an easy lesson studied because they do not feel English is important. Moreover, English at elementary school as addition of lesson in the curriculum. Based on the psychology of human, a person will not follow some lesson if that person does not like the lesson, but if the person likes it of course he will follow it. In teaching English, the teacher should cooper with the media, family approaching of student’s mentality, or invite student to share the problem in learning English. Besides, teacher technique to approach the student interest to English lesson through teaching by meaningfully.
The teacher must motivate the students in learning English because we know that English is a very important language in the world and English is a globalization language. In the case the teachers can motivate the students by giving the rewards. For examples, sign of smiling face, star and praise. It can make students to increase motivation in learning English. In the classroom, the teacher asks some questions and the students must answer. The students who can answer the question will get the reward from the teacher.
 The position and function of teacher in the classroom in learning English is much needed to increase student’s motivation in learning English. Some of the ways is giving reward. The purpose of giving reward to students is to increase the motivation of students in learning English. The students can develop and improve their knowledge about English. The students of second grade of junior high school still like children and motivated in learning English just a little, in the case the teacher must give motivation and spirit so that the students can increase their motivation in learning English. When the teacher gives reward to students who can answer the question, the other students are wants to do it because they can get the reward from the teacher. Some students shy if their entire friends get a reward and he or she is not, it can increase their motivation in learning English.
By giving rewards to students, the teachers hope that it can increase the motivation in learning English of the second grade of junior high school. The students are brave to say in English in the classroom and can answer the questions from the teacher not only to get reward but can improve their knowledge about English.

B.     Problem Statement
Based on the previous statements, the writer formulates the research question as follows:
What is the effect of giving rewards toward the motivation of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English?
C.    Objectives of the Research
In relation to the problem statement above, the objective of the research is:
To find out the effect of giving reward toward the motivation of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English?
D.    The Significance of the Research
Theoretically, this research can be a useful input in English teaching-learning process it can enrich the theory of teaching and learning for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching – learning process. Practically, the writer hopes that this research will increase the student’s motivation in learning English in the classroom. The writer also hopes that this research is useful for the students to stimulate them to increase their English ability.
E.     The Scope of the research
            By discipline, this research is under applied linguistic. It deals with teaching and learning English.  This research is focused on the student’s motivation in Learning English.  The teacher gives questions for students and students who can answer get reward from the teacher.

This chapter presents the previous research findings, some pertinent ideas, resume, theoretical framework, and hypothesis.
A.    Previous Research Findings
There have been some researches done related to writing which are cited below:
1.      Smith (1958) Motivation is the dynamic force that energized behavior. It is motivations that compel the child to act. The motivation is persistent since they keep the child acting until he finds the satisfaction for him
2.      Sadirman (1992)Motivation has function in studying suck as to motivate as motor each activity, to know direction the goal that want to be reach, selecting of action determine the goal want to be reached by throwing of useless activity. From these its hereby are really important ways to know about motivation to student.
3.      Suwazi with the title “Correlation between motivations in learning English of the second grade students of SMUN 1 Rantau academic year 2001-2002”. It shows that motivation is some kind of internal drive date and encourages somebody to pursue a course of action. The result of the research shows that motivation and the achievement of language skills has tight relationship.
      SMP Negeri 14 Makassar is one of the SMP Negeri 14 Makassar that provides English. In learning English the student of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar is also influence by the motivation. The researcher wants to held a research about the effect of giving reward toward motivation in learning English  in this place since the student motivation are still less according to there English achievement report.
      Motivation of student to study English is less, because of the teacher, family, environment, and facilities which are not support English lesson as well. Beside that SMP Negeri 14 Makassar the research wants to now the the effect of giving reward toward motivation in learning English is used by the English teacher. Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to hold a research with the title “The Effect of Giving Reward toward Motivation of Second Grade of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English”.
B.     Some Pertinent Ideas
1.      The concept of reward
               a. The definitions of reward
         Kamin’s blocking effect (1969) which postulates that a reward that is fully predicted does not contribute to the learning of a stimulus or action, even when it has been repeatedly paired with the stimulus or action.
a.      Reward principle
1.      Lead learners to become dependent on short term rewards
2.      Coax them into a habit of looking to teachers and others for their only reward
3.      Forestall the development of their own internally administered, intrinsic system of reward.
Kinds of reward:
1.      Smile face is one of the sign like a face and give for the students who can answer the question for the teacher.
2.      Star is teacher give students a star if the student can give a right answer.
3.      Praise is the something can increase students’ motivation in learning English like when the students can answers the question the teacher give praise. Examples teacher can say very good, you a smart, I like your answers.
4.      Score is the teacher gives a score to students when the students can answers the teacher questions.
2.      The concept of motivation
b.      The definitions of motivation
Hilgard in Pasaribu (1982:18) defines motivation as a general term characterizing the needs, aspirations, purposes of the organism as these initiate or regulated need satisfying or goal seeking behavior”.
 Donald (in Pasaribu 1982:19) gives the definition of motivation as an energy change with the person characterized by effective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction. And according to Martin (in Tadjib 1994:2), “Motivasi adalah suatu tenaga atau faktor yang terdapat dalam diri manusia yang menimbulkan, mengarahkan dan mengorganisasikan tingkah laku”.
From the definitions above, it can be concluded that motivation is a situation inside of human that causes someone does activities to reach a goal.
b. Types of Motivation
According to A. Tabrani (1992:72) there are four types of motivation, namely:
a. Competition
     It is divided into two, they are: achievement competition and competition to other people. In achievement competition, the students must know the result that is achieved and then attempt to increase the result. Meanwhile in competition to other people, the students learn and compare the result achieved with other students.
b. Clear goal
     Motivation encourages the students to achieve the goal. If the goal is clear and useful for the students, the students will attempt to achieve that goal.
c. Close to the goal
     If the students see that the goal is far, they will be lazy to achieve and increase the goal. On the contrary, the students will be motivated to reach the goal if it is close to the students.
d. Interest
     Interest influences a process of achievement to a motivation. If someone is not interested in something, she/he will not do any activity. But if someone has interest in learning she/he will learn enthusiastically. Someone’ interest to learn something can be seen from her/his desire to study.
C.     Ways of Creating Learning Motivation
According to Sardiman (1991:91) there are 10 ways to raise motivation in learning activity at school, namely:
a. Give score
     Score is a symbol of value in learning activity. The scores are the strongest motivation for students.
b. Prize
Prize is a motivation arousal too, but it is not always like that. For a work, perhaps it is not interesting for someone who is not interested in it.
c. Competition
     Competition is used as an instrument of motivation to encourage students’ learning. The individual or group competition can increase students’ achievement.
d. Ego-Involvement
     Ego-Involvement is meant to raise consciousness to students. By applying it, the students will feel the importance of the task and receive it as challenge.
e. Give test
     The students will be diligent to learn if they know that there will be a test. Therefore, giving a test is an instrument of motivation too.
f. To know the result
     By knowing the result of task, if there is a progress, it can encourage students to study diligently.
g. Praise
     If there is a student successful in finishing their task well in learning, the teacher needs to give praise. It is a kind of positive reinforcement and motivation.
h. Punishment
    Punishment is a negative reinforcement. But if it is given exactly and prudently the punishment will be a tool of motivation.
i. Desire to learn
     It means that there is an element of consciousness to study.
j. Interest
    A motivation rises because there is a need. An interest is a tool of principal communication. The process of learning will run well if there is an interest.
Sardiman, Djapri Basri (1989:12) proposes 12 ways to give students motivation to learn, they are:
a. Create learning situation that is enjoyable
    The situation of learning must be enjoyable. The enjoyable situation can arouse students’ learning motivation.
b. Give prize
    Giving prize to clever students can be motivation for students themselves and other students. It will encourage students to get good score.
c. Give praise
     If there is a student who is successful in doing task well, it needs to be given praise. Because it is a positive reinforcement and can raise desire of student to study.
d. Competition
     Competition is needed too, because it can raise achievement for individual or group competition.
e. Cooperation
         In learning activity, cooperation can raise the students’ interest in learning group. The cooperation can give encouragement to learn and help the students who is less clever.
f. Inform students there will be a test
    The student will be more diligent to study if they know that there will be a test. This is useful to increase their achievement.
g. Ego-Involvement
     The students’ behavior can appear in tasks that they have done if the students feel the importance of tasks and receive it as challenge. So, they will do that task diligently.
h. To arrange the students’ seat variously
     The arrangement of students’ seat will create the harmony of learning situation. The teacher and students do not feel bored to use and occupy that class.
i. Use various method in teaching to fit the material
    By using various methods in teaching to fit the material, the role of students in learning can be increased.
j. To give comment to students’ work
     Beside giving score, comment about mistake that have been made by students in learning is also important to encourage students to learn, such as “very good work”, “next time will be better”, “actually you are able to do the task, but it is still less accurate.
k. To give comment to students’ work
      For the students who make mistake, lazy and bad behavior in learning activity, the warning can be a tool to correct behavior. Example: The student who makes noise in the class.
l. Punishment as tool of education
    Punishment can be used if the other way is not effective. It may be done if it can change the students’ behavior.
     Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that the teacher in raising learning motivation need to encourage students’ spirit and release burden. Therefore, the goal of teaching and learning activity can be achieved optimally.
3.      Definition of learning English
Michael Ritcher (1984) Learning English is the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill.
Meriam Webster (1913) Learning English is impart the knowledge to give intelligence concerning as knowledge before unknown, or rules for practice to inculcate as true or important to exhibit impressively.
D.    Resume
Based on the above explanation, we can make some important point or resume as follows:
a.       The students has low ability in learning English
b.      The students need rewards to increase their motivation in learning English
E.     Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework of this research can be described as in the Colum:  

   Smile face
Student’s motivation in learning English

Giving rewards to students can increase students’ motivation in learning English. Teacher can give the rewards to students like score, smile face, star, and praise. Motivation is a really powerful factor in achieving English learning goals although it is not precisely known how motivation affects learning. It is not clear whether motivation improves the desire to learn or successful learning enhances motivation.
F.     Hypothesis
Giving rewards can increase the motivation in learning English of the second grade students’ of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar.

In this chapter the researcher presented the design, variables of the research, population and sample, instrument of the research, procedures of collecting data and technique of data analysis.
A.    Research Design
The design of this study is descriptive qualitative where the researcher tries to describe about the effect of giving reward toward the motivation of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English.
B.     Population and Sample
1.      Population
The population of this research is the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar 2010/2011 academic year. There are 245 students placed in 7 classes.
2.      Sample
       This research uses cluster random sampling method so the number of sample is only one class that is class VII.1. It consists of 35 students.

C.    Variables and their Operational Definitions
3.      Variables
      There are two kinds of variables in this research namely independent and dependent variable.
a.       The independent variable is the use of teacher’s reward.
b.      The dependent variable is the students’ motivation in learning English.
D.    Instrument of the Research
      The research instruments are questionnaire and observation. The questionnaire is given to the students to know the extent to which reward effect the students’ motivation in learning English as the impact of the effect of giving reward toward motivation in learning English. The questionnaire consists of 20 items.10 items are positive statement and 10 are negative statement.  The observation will be used to observe and to identity the effect of giving rewards toward motivation the motivation of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English.

E.      The Procedure of Collecting Data
The writer collected data by following procedures:
1.      Firstly the writer chose 35 students as sample of this research distribute questionnaire to the students.
2.      The writer confirms the teacher to observe the teacher s when they taught in the classroom in following day/this observation took two meeting for a teacher.

F.       Technique of Collecting Data
In this research, the writer used the descriptive analysis to data collected through the questionnaire. Data from the questionnaire was calculated using percentage formula, as follow:
P = F/ N x 100%
P = percentage
F = frequency of answer
N = numbers of students          (Sugiono, 2007:109)

              Data from questionnaire was used to descriptive the effect of giving rewards toward the motivation of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Makassar in learning English to determine the category of students motivation, based on the likert scale, the writer used the following classification:
     The rating means score of motivation catregory
Positive  statements
Negative statements
Strongly agree
Strongly  disagree

        The rating of student’s motivation:

Very high
Very low


To find out the students mean score in each component, the following formula is applied:
Notation:                         =          Mean score
      =           The sum of all scores in each component
                                      N         =          the number of subjects

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 Sardiman, Djapri Basri (1989:12) proposes 12 ways to give students motivation to learn.               
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Student Motivation to Learn is a product of the ERIC (Educational Resources  Information Center) Clearinghouse on Educational Management at the College of Education, University of Oregon  
Ramage , K (1990) Motivational factor and persistence in Foreign language Study.
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Domyei, Z Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom Department of Englush. Eotvos of university .

Nama siswa       :
Kelas                     :

Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom berikut!




















Siswa yang menjawab pertanyaan diberikan penghargaan(nilai,pujian)

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tidak diberikan penghargaan(nilai,pujian)

Guru memberikan penghargaan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris

Guru tidak memberikan penghargaan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris

Guru memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa yang menjawab soal yang diberikan oleh guru

Guru tidak  memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa yang menjawab soal yang diberikan oleh guru

Guru harus memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa apabila menjawab dengan benar?

Guru tidak harus memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa apabila menjawab dengan benar

Guru hanya memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa yang hanya menjawab dengan benar.

Guru tidak hanya memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa yang hanya menjawab dengan benar.

Semua siswa diberikan penghargaan bila menjawab pertanyaan guru baik jawabannya benar maupun salah.

Semua siswa tidak diberikan penghargaan bila menjawab pertanyaan guru baik jawabannya benar maupun salah

Adanya motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris jika guru memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa

Tidak adanya motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris jika guru memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa

Motivasi siswa akan meningkat jika guru selalu memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris

Motivasi siswa tidak akan meningkat jika guru selalu memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris

Siswa semakin menyukai belajar bahasa inggris jika diberikan penghargaan.

Siswa semakin tidak menyukai belajar bahasa inggris jika diberikan penghargaan.

Siswa selalu ingin menjawab pertanyaan guru karena akan diberikan penghargaan.

Siswa selalu tidak ingin menjawab pertanyaan guru karena akan diberikan penghargaan.

SS        : Sangat setuju                                     
S          : Setuju                      
TS        : Tidak setuju
STS     : Sangat tidak setuju
RR       : Ragu-ragu

                                                                PENGESAHAN PEMBIMBING


Atas nama mahasiswi :
                                                Nama                           : Sabaria Bakri
                                                Nim                             : 065204093
                                                Jurusan                        : Bahasa inggris
                                                Program studi              : Pendidikan
                                                Fakultas                       : Bahasa & Sastra

Setelah diperiksa ulang, maka proposal tersebut telah memenuhu syarat untuk diseminarkan.

                                                                                    Makassar,        Oktober 2010
Pembimbing :

1.      Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu,M.Hum                           (…………………………………………)

2.      Dr. Muliati, M.Pd                                           (…………………………………………)