
Friday 31 May 2013


Adverb of Degree
Adverb of Degree adalah kata keterangan tingkat menunjukkan seberapa banyak atau sejauh mana sesuatu terjadi. Contoh:
  • Mike is a very good student.
  • I’m quite excited about my interview tomorrow.
Ada banyak jenis kata keterangan tingkat. Beberapa yang paling umum diantaranya:
almost, completely, enough, extremely, hardly, just, nearly, pretty, quite, too, scarcely, so, such, very.
Kata keterangan tingkat (adverb of degree) biasanya ditempatkan sebelum kata sifat (adjective), kata keterangan (adverb), atau kata benda yang akan ditunjukkan tingkatnya. Contoh:
  • That test was extremely difficult.
  • You did pretty well in that test.
  • I almost got an ‘A’ in our test.
Enough berarti jumlah atau tingkat yang memuaskan. Contoh:
  • I’m so busy, I haven’t got enough time.
  • Do you have enough potatoes?
Enough ditempatkan setelah adjective dan adverb:
  • This jacket isn’t big enough for me.
  • She speaks English well enough to go to an American university.
Enough biasanya ditempatkan sebelum kata benda:
  • We have enough money to buy our own apartment.
Kita sering menggunakan enough…for, khususnya untuk orang dan hal. Contoh:
  • This job isn’t good enough for her.
  • We have enough time for a quick lunch.
Enough…to infinitif juga merupakan struktur yang umum. Contoh:
  • She’s old enough to drive a car.
  • We have enough time to eat some lunch.
Too berarti lebih dari cukup, jumlah atau tingkat yang berlebihan. Contoh:
  • This room is too hot.
  • He eats too quickly.
Too juga digunakan bersama for: Contoh:
  • This book is too simple for me
  • Our apartment is too small for us.
Too…to infinitif juga merupakan struktur yang umum. Contoh:
  • This book is too easy to study.
  • Our apartment is too small to live in.
Too dan very
Very berarti sesuatu dilakukan sampai tingkat yang tinggi, biasanya faktual. Contoh:
  • He finishes his work very quickly.
Too berarti sesuatu dilakukan sampai tingkat yang berlebihan, sering dijadikan sebagai kritik.
  • He finishes his work too quickly.
Very merupakan sebuah kata yang umum, jadi jika anda ingin menggunakan kata-kata yang berbeda untuk meningkatkan kosa-kata anda kata-kata berikut dapat digunakan menggantikan very.
absolutely, acutely, amply, astonishingly, awfully, certainly, considerably, cruel, dearly, decidedly, deeply, eminently, emphatically, exaggeratedly, exceedingly, excessively, extensively, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, highly, incredibly, indispensably, largely, notably, noticeably, particularly, positively, powerfully, pressingly, pretty, prodigiously, profoundly, really, remarkably, substantially, superlatively, surpassingly, surprisingly, terribly, truly, uncommonly, unusually, vastly, wonderfully.

Conditional Clause and Main Clause
If I have enough money,
conditional clause    
I will go to Japan.
    main clause
I will go to Japan,
main clause    
if I have enough money
    conditional clause
First, Second, and Third Conditional
1. First conditional:
If I have enough money, I will go to Japan.
2. Second conditional:
If I had enough money, I would go to Japan.
3. Third conditional:
If I had had enough money, I would have gone to Japan.

Conditional clause
Main clause
1. If + Present Tense
will + inf / present tense / imperative
a.     If you help me with the dishes (if + pres),
I will help you with your homework. (will + inf)
b.     If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by three,
the number is divisible by three (Pres. tense)
c.      If you see Mr Fox tonight, tell him I am ill. (imperative).
2. If + Past Tense
would + inf
3. If + Past Perfect Tense
would have + past participle
We do not normally use will or would in the conditional clause,
only in the main clause.
Uses of the Conditional
1.     First conditional
a.     Nature: Open condition, what is said in the condition is possible.
b.     Time: This condition refers either to present or to future time.
e.g. If he is late, we will have to go without him.
If my mother knows about this, we are in serious trouble.
2.     Second conditional
a.     Nature: unreal (impossible) or improbable situations.
b.     Time: present; the TENSE is past, but we are talking about the present, now.
e.g. If I knew her name, I would tell you.
If I were you, I would tell my father.
Compare: If I become president, I will change the social security system. (Said by a presidential candidate)
If I became president, I would change the social security system. (Said by a schoolboy: improbable)
If we win this match, we are qualified for the semifinals.
If I won a million pounds, I would stop teaching. (improbable)
3.     Third conditional
a.     Nature: unreal
b.     Time: Past (so we are talking about a situation that was not so in the past.)
e.g. If you had warned me, I would not have told your father about that party.(But you didn't, and I have).
1. The conditional construction does not normally use will or would in if-clauses. EXCEPTION: If will or would express willingness, as in requests, they can be used in if-clauses.
e.g. If you will come this way, the manager will see you now.
I would be grateful if you would give me a little help.
(= ± please, come this way; please, give me...)
2. For the second conditional, were replaces was:
If I were a rich man...
3. After if, we can either use "some(-one, -where...)" or "any(-one, -where...).
If I have some spare time next weekend....or :
If I have any spare time...
4. Instead of if not, we can use unless.
e.g. I'll be back tomorrow unless there is a plane strike.
He'll accept the job unless the salary is too low.
5.There is a "mixed type" as well, for the present results of an unreal condition in the past:
If + Past Perfect - would + inf.
If you had warned me [then], I would not be in prison [now].

Zero conditional
When we talk about things that are generally or always true, we can use:
If/When/Unless plus a present form PLUS present simple or imperative
·         If he gets there before me, ask him to wait.
·         When you fly budget airline, you have to pay for your drinks and snacks.
·         Unless you need more space, a small car is big enough for one person.
Note that we are not talking about a specific event but something which is generally true.
In the condition clause, we can use a variety of present forms. In the result clause, there can only be the present simple or imperative.
·         If you visit London, go on the London Eye.
·         If unemployment is rising, people tend to stay in their present jobs.
·         If you've done that, go and have a coffee.
·         When you go on holiday, take plenty of sun cream. It'll be very hot.
·         When I'm concentrating, please don't make so much noise.
·         When I've finished an article, I always ask Kate to read it through.
Notice that 'unless' means the same as 'if not'.
·         Unless he asks you politely, refuse to do any more work on the project.
·         Unless prices are rising, it's not a good investment.
·         Unless you've been there yourself, you don't really understand how fantastic it is.
·         zero conditional If you heat ice, it melts. any time 100%
first conditional If it rains, I will stay at home. Future 50%
second conditional If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. Future 10%
·         0% third conditional If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car. Past
·         1. Rumus Modal            : S + Modal + V1 + O
contoh : I will go to school (saya akan pergi ke sekolah)
·         2. Rumus Kalimat Perintah : V1 + Objek/adverb,
contoh : Open the window! (bukalah jendela itu!)
·         3. Rumus Simple present   : S + V1 + O
contoh : We always play football everyday (Kita selalu bermain bola setiap hari)
·         4. Rumus Pasif Voice      : S + to be (is,am,are) + V3 :
contoh : The Ball is bought by me (bola itu dibeli oleh saya)
·         5. Rumus Causative Verbs  : S + make/have + V1 + O,
contoh : They have me study hard (Mereka menyuruh saya belajar dengan giat)
·         6. Rumus Conditional Sentence tipe 1 : if + simple present, simple future,
contoh if i have much money, i will go to Bali Island.
·         7. Rumus Conditional Sentence tipe 2 : if + simple past, past future,
contoh : if i had a car, i would give him money (jika saya memiliki mobil, saya akan memberinya uang)
·         8. Rumus Conditional Sentence tipe 3 : if + past perfect, past future perfect,
contoh : if i had had money, i would have bought a house (jika saya punya uang, saya akan membeli rumah)

Pertanyaan tidak langsung merupakan pertanyaan normal dengan bentuk sopan dan lebih panjang. Contoh:
  • Where’s the department store? – Pertanyaan langsung
  • Could you tell me where the department store is, please? – Pertanyaan tidak langsung
  • What’s his name? – Pertanyaan langsung
  • Do you know what his name is? – Pertanyaan tidak langsung
Pertanyaan tidak langsung terbentuk dari dua bagian: pertanyaan sopan, dan pertanyaan yang tidak memiliki inversi subjek/verb seperti pertanyaan normal. Contoh:
  • What’s his name? >>
  • Do you know what his name is? – Pertanyaan tidak langsung
Disini ungkapan sopan adalah “Do you know…”, dan bagian pertanyaan adalah “…what his name is?”. Perhatikan bahwa subjek dan kata-kerja tidak berubah tempatnya dalam bagian pertanyaan. Sehingga jika kita mengatakan “Do you know what is his name?“, ini tidak benar.
Contoh-contoh lain:
  • What’s the time? >>
  • Do you have any idea what the time is? – Pertanyaan tidak langsung
Ungkapan sopan adalah “Do you have any idea…?”. dan pertanyaan adalah “…what the time is?”. Yang menjadi pertanyaan bukan “…what is the time?” – kita tidak membalik posisi subjek dan kata-kerja seperti dalam pertanyaan normal.
Kata-kerja bantu “To do”
Kata kerja bantu “to do” digunakan dalam pertanyaan apabila tidak ada kata-kerja bantu lainnya. Contoh:
  • You like Chinese food. >>
  • Do you like Chinese food?
Pertanyaan tidak langsung tidak menggunakan kata-kerja bantu “to do” dalam pertanyaan utama. Contoh:
  • When does the next train arrive? – Pertanyaan langsung
  • Do you know when the next train arrives? – Pertanyaan tidak langsung
  • Do you know when does the next train arrive? – Tidak benar
Contoh-contoh lain:
  • When does the restaurant close? – Pertanyaan langsung
  • Could you tell me when the restaurant closes? – Pertanyaan tidak langsung
  • Could you tell me when does the restaurant close? – Tidak benar
Ada batasan cara dalam membuat pertanyaan tidak langsung. Tidak semua kalimat tidak langsung merupakan pertanyaan sebenarnya, justru merupakan pernyataan-pernyataan sopan yang mendorong timbulnya respons. beberapa ungkapan sopan yang uum mencakup:
  • I wonder if/whether…?
  • I can’t remember if/whether…?
  • Could you tell me if/whether…?
  • Would you mind telling me if/whether…?
  • Would it be possible for you to…?
  • Is there any chance you could…?
  • I don’t suppose you could…
  • I’d like to know if/whether…
  • I can’t remember

Preference adalah ungkapan perasaan yang menyatakan lebih suka daripada yang lainnya
1. Prefer
  • Subject + Prefer + to infinitive
  • Subject + Prefer + Nouns + to + Nouns
  • Subject + Prefer + Gerund + to + Gerund
  • They prefer to go now
  • My mother prefers lemon to orange
  • She prefers watching TV to listening to the radio
2. Would Rather
  • Subject + would rather + Kata kerja bentuk I (tanpa to- Infinitives)
  • Subject + would rather + Infinitives + than + Infinitives
  • Subject + would rather + Infinitives + Noun + than + Inf + Noun
  • Subject + would rather + someone + Bentuk II
  • I would rather study now
  • She would rather stay home than go shopping
  • We’d rather play card than play ball
  • I’d rather you went now
3. Would Prefer to
  • Subject + Would Prefer to + infinitive +rather than + inf
  • Subject + would Prefer to + infinitives + Nouns + rather than + infinitives + Nouns
  • They would prefer to sing rather than dance
  • You’d prefer to play ball rather than take a sleep
4. Like
  • Subject + Like + Nouns/Gerunds
  • Subject + like +gerunds + better than + gerund
  • Subject + like + noun + better than + noun
  • I like singing a song
  • She likes singing a song better than playing a guitar
  • They like coffee better than tea
5. Had Better
  • Subject + had better + infinitive
  • Subject + had better + not + infinitive
  • You had better study hard
  • You had better not work on Sundays
6. It’s time
  • It’s time + to infinitives
  • It’s time + Subject + Bentuk past
  • It’s time to get up
  • It’s time you went away
7. Instead of
Instead of kita gunakan sebagai pengganti dari: to, than, better than, rather than
  • Instead of + Gerund/Nouns
  • I prefer staying home instead of going out
  • They would rather eat their lunch instead of work
  • I woud prefer to invite them instead of him
  • He likes me instead of him

Pengertian Quantifier

Quantifier adalah determiner yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan seberapa banyak jumlah sesuatu (kuantitas).

Kombinasi Quantifier dengan Noun

Dalam membentuk noun phrase, quantifier dapat dikombinasikan baik dengan countable maupun uncountable noun. Adapun ketentuan dan contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.
Relasi Quantifier dengan Noun
Contoh Kalimat Kombinasi Quantifier dengan Noun
quantifier + countable noun
Many people assume that his life is perfected.
(Banyak orang menganggap bahwa hidup dia sempurna.)
I have a few used clothes for the beggar.
(Aku punya beberapa pakaian bekas untuk pengemis itu.
He only has few ties to attend the meeting.
(Dia hanya punya sedikit dasi untuk menghadiri pertemuan.)
Several tourists from Norway are walking down the Kuta Beach.
(Beberapa turis asal Norwegia sedang berjalan menyusuri Pantai Kuta.)
a couple of
A couple of swallows are flying to the south.
(Sepasang burung layang-layang sedang terbang ke selatan.)
none of
None of his sport shoes in a good condition.
(Tidak satupun sepatu olahraganya dalam kondisi layak.)
quantifier + uncountable noun
not much
I don’t have much money in this time.
(Saya tidak punya banyak uang saat ini.)
Ria has a little money in her pocket.
(Ria punya sedikit uang di kantongnya.)
There is only little water left in the kettle.
(Hanya sedikit air tersisa di dalam ceret.)
a great deal of,
a good deal of
I need a great deal of money to buy a lamborghini.
(Saya membutuhkan uang yang banyak untuk membeli sebuah lamborghini.)
Because of his illness, he prefers the syrup with no sugar added.
(Karena penyakitnya, dia memilih sirup tanpa penambahan gula.)
quantifier + countable/uncountable noun
Would you mind giving me some advice?
(Maukah kamu memberi saya beberapa nasehat?)
Some students prefer to learn on their own for the exam while some others do not.
(Beberapa siswa lebih suka belajar sendiri untuk ujian sedangkan beberapa yang lain tidak.)
Most of the people are ekstrovert.
(Kebanyakan orang adalah ekstrovert.)
The brownish black skin is most of the Indonesian.
(Kulit sawo matang adalah kebanyakan dari orang Indonesia.)
There’re not enough chairs for uninvited guests.
(Disana tidak ada cukup kursi untuk tamu yang tidak diundang.)
Do you have enough money to borrow me?
(Apakah kamu punya cukup uang untuk meminjamkanku?)
She has a lot of cats.
(Dia mempunyai banyak kucing.)
Do you need a lot of sugar?
(Apakah kamu membutuhkan banyak gula?)
I have lots of time to accompany you.
(Saya punya banyak waktu untuk menemanimu.)
He has lots of jokes to make his friends laugh.
(Dia punya banyak lelucon untuk membuat teman-temannya tertawa.)
There are plenty of deer in the pasture.
(Ada banyak rusa di padang rumput.)
The corruptor has plenty of money in international bank.
(Koruptor itu punya banyak uang di bank internasional.)
a lack of
A lack of vitamins can contribute to the occurance of various diseases.
(Kurang vitamin dapat berkontribusi pada timbulnya berbagai penyakit.)
The body odor can cause a lack of self-confidence.
(Bau badan dapat menyebabkan kurang percaya diri.)


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