
Friday 31 May 2013


A.  Background
Vocabulary as one of the language elements has a very important role in foreign language learning. It is the basic and very principle requirement for the students in learning English. We realized that language skills and other language elements will not develop without good achievement of vocabulary because the basic foundation of these language skills is vocabulary.
Many students cannot master the four skills even though they have learnt English for many years. One of the reasons is that they a lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is the basic unit of the language, especially in the second language learning. In fact, good command of vocabulary can make someone express his or her ideas effectively.
Knowledge about language is very important in mastering English or acquiring a foreign language. To be successful, we must have a great number of vocabulary items. The students wanting to do well in English must learn English words. The acquisition and the learning of vocabulary is a fundamental task. Through it, we can communicate ideas, emotion and desires.
The teacher should make learning vocabulary more effective and efficient. It is not enough for the teacher of English to give the students words to memorize. They have to use other alternative way to improve students’ vocabulary. To solve this problem, of course, the creativity of teachers in choosing method is needed. Students learn best when they have an equal opportunity to share with each other and apply concepts through activities. In this case, cooperative learning is an exact method to be implemented because it is an instructional methodology that promotes both. Further, by employing cooperative learning strategies within the training sessions, the teacher can model techniques that have proven quite effective for students as well.
In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element that links the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use them accurately. The acquisition and the learning of vocabulary is fundamental need. It is the heart of language learning and language use because through vocabulary we can communicate ideas, emotion, and desires. Without vocabulary speakers cannot convey meaning and communicate with each other in a particular language. In educational field, students usually learn vocabulary passively. They consider the teacher's explanation for meaning or definition, pronunciation, spelling and grammatical functions boring. In this case, language learners have nothing to do in a vocabulary learning section but to listen to their teacher. Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher of English to have a good method in presenting the materials in the classroom.
With song presents a challenge. We need to find a way to bridge the gap between entertainment and teaching to bring about real "edutainment." In other words, we must make sure the attitudes of the pupils are geared towards learning.
B.  Problem statement
Based on the background above, the problem statement of this research is: “How the effectiveness of using song in increasing student vocabulary of first grade student at SMAN I Wotu Luwu Timur?
C.  Objective of the research
Based on the problem statement above, the objective of this research is to find out whether or not the use of Song can increase the students’ vocabulary mastery.
D.  Significance of the research
The result of this research is expected to give useful information and positive contribution to English teacher in teaching vocabulary and the students of senior high school.
E.  Scope of the research
This research deals with English language testing. It’s under the field of applied linguistic. The scope of this research is restricted to the effectiveness of the using English song in increasing the students’ vocabulary ability.


A.  Previous Study.
Some previous researchers have conducted their research on the use of various methods or ways in teaching vocabulary.
1.      Nursyamsi (2009) on her research “Enriching the students’ vocabulary achievement of the second year students of MAN Pangkep through jigsaw of cooperative learning method” found that there was significant difference between the result of pretest and posttest of the students who are taught vocabulary by using the jigsaw technique and she concluded that the use of jigsaw technique can enrich the students’ vocabulary achievement.
2.      Symons, Gill, and Friederich (2008) on their research reported that the use of team game tournament (a cooperative learning strategy) increased motivation and academic achievement of Science and English students, particularly among boys. The survey data clearly indicated that students enjoy TGT’s collaborative, competitive, and reward. This high level agreement among students likely promoted heightened students engagement in classes.
3.      Herlina (2003) on her research “The Attitude of the Second Year Students of SLTP Muhammadiyah Parepare toward Teaching English Vocabulary through Language Games” reports that games can be used on teaching vocabulary for variety and relaxation, and students are more active in the teaching and learning process
4.      Marhaen (2006) led thesis research on “Increasing the students’ vocabulary achievement under cooperative learning type STAD in the first year of SMAN 4 Kendari”. The purpose of this research was to offer a descriptive account of the first year students’ vocabulary achievement of SMAN 4 Kendari and their attitude toward teaching vocabulary under cooperative learning type STAD and the conclusion of this research showed the students’ positive attitude toward English teaching vocabulary under cooperative learning type STAD.
B.  Theoretical Background
1.         Definition of vocabulary
In this research, the writer presents some theories or ideas which are as follows.
Gove (1987) in Mulyana (2003) stated that vocabulary is words of language employed by individual, group or work in relation to a subject.
Webster (1980) in Makmur (2000: 45) pointed out that vocabulary is a list of words and sometimes phrases, usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined as dictionary, grocery or lexicon.
Hornby (1963) in Kamariah (2007) defined vocabulary as:
1.    The total number of words that make up a language.
2.    Body of words known to a person or used in a particular book, subject,
3.    Lists of words with their meanings.
2.         Types of vocabulary
Schail (1967:57)  states that every person has three types of vocabulary:
1.    Active vocabulary is the words that we use in speaking and writing probably runs 5000 up to 10000 words.
2.    Reserve vocabulary is the words that we know but rarely used in ordinary speech. We use them in writing letter when we have time to consider, or search for synonym.
3.      Productive vocabulary is the words that we recognize vaguely but they are not sure of the meaning, however using them in either speaking or writing and we just know that we have seen before
Which are made up of the words, recognized in the context of reading material but he doesn’t actually use it himself.
Hammer (1991: 159) in Makmur (2000) also divided vocabulary into two types. They are:
a.    Active vocabulary
Active vocabulary Refers to vocabulary that students have learnt. The students are expected to be able to use these vocabularies.
b.      Passive vocabulary
Refers to words which students will recognize when they meet them but they will probably not be able to produce them
3.         Principles Of Learning English Vocabulary
Rampion in Sunarti ( 2004 : 10 ) pointed out four criteria of vocabulary:
a.    Supplementary materials; in the form of additional components of course book, designed by educational institution.
b.    Course book: Every written and spoken text by the teacher to support the
c.    Vocabulary activities: like translating, playing game, doing exercises formulated by   the teacher.
d.   The students; sometimes the students represent some words which are unpredictable.
4.         Strategies of learning vocabulary 
a. Context Clues
Learning the meaning of words from the context of your reading material can be the most useful strategy to increase your vocabulary comprehension. Using the context that surrounds an unknown word helps to reveal its meaning. There are several different types of context clues that you can use to find the meaning of a word within the context of what you are reading. They are:
a.       Definition. The author equates the unknown word to a word that is known or more familiar to you. Example: Physiology is a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells).
b.      Synonyms. The author pairs the unknown word with a synonym or other closely related words. Example: The President’s wife possessed the traits of a promising leader: wisdom, judgment, and sagacity.
c.        Comparison Clues. Often an unfamiliar word is used in a comparison with a familiar word. Your knowledge of the familiar word may help you figure out the meaning of the new one. Example: The thatch in the roof was as likely to burn as any other straw.
d.       Contrast Clue. In a comparison clue, you learn that a new word is like a known word. In a contrast clue, you learn that a new word is different from the known word.
Example: At night the street was pacific, unlike the crowded, noisy chaos it was during the day.
 Examples in Context. You can predict the meaning of an unfamiliar word when it is used with an example of a familiar word.
Example: At the show we saw magicians
e.       Inferring Meaning from Context. The author sets a mood (ironic, serious, funny, etc.) in which the meaning of the unknown word can be hypothesized.
Example: The tormented lion roared in pain as he tried to escape from his captors.
b. Word Structure
Sometimes a word can give clues to the meaning in its structure. Analyzing the word’s structure and properties is a vocabulary strategy that you can use to figure out the word’s meaning. When you approach an unknown word, you can guess at its meaning by breaking down the parts of the word. Longer words can be some of the most difficult to figure out, but they can be put into categories that will help you.
a.        Compound words are two known words joined together.
Examples: matchmaker, bookkeeper.
b.      Words that contain a familiar stem to which an affix (prefix or suffix) has been added.
Examples: microscope, tasteless.
c.        Words that can be broken down into regular pronounceable parts.
Example: subterfuge, strangulate.
d.       Words that contain irregular pronounce­able parts so that there is no clear pronunciation.
Examples: louver, indictment.       
1.      Song
a.      What are songs?
Ostojic, (1987:50) defines that song or music one of basic expressions of the human spirit that contains the unique meanings. His centimes that song can put forward different meanings (expressions), such as advise critics. Love, etc, as a matter of act, song has become one of the important part in English language teaching.
Song is a feeling, emotion and thought expressions in a – rhythm (Neville, 1981: 60).
Song is a piece of music with words that are song ( Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2000)
From those definitions it can be concluder that song is a kind of literary works that is used to entertain people. We can conclude that song is a piece of music with words that intended to be sung. Living without song and music will make the world very lonely.
b.      Why use song?
            There some reasons of using in language learning given by Rost (1991: 23):
Song has a great tender to attract the attention of people that other forms of mass media may lack. Students are often willing to learn to sing a song in a foreign language not fully understand or partially understand the meaning of words.
Songs will give or share the students with amount of dramatic departure from the normal pattern that they can use in a brief moment of time. Songs introduce an atmosphere of gaiety, fun and informality in the classroom, which is far more conducive environment for language learning.
Songs can allow the students to have a great and whole participation during classroom takes process because at least all of the students will sing together.
Some teacher of foreign language has used music and song to teach foreign language, such as:
1.      Lazanic in (1987: 32) introduce a method of teaching a foreign language called suggest to podia. The central activity of this method is in an attractive and convenient classroom the teacher is reading the material accompanied by classic music. He uses this method to bring the students into relation and meditation.
2.      Ostojic (1987:34) also used music to encourage students in writing poem. He conducted this study to the secondary school in Sarajevo. He says that the music can help the student to write poems.

c.       According to the Purpose of Songs
            Hamdju (1984:12) divided songs into different kinds as classes as follows:
a.         Religious Songs. It is often song in religious activities.
b.        Song For Entertainment
   An entertainment song has a tendency to amuse people. In choose this type of songs. Try to make a song that has simple words which are easy to understand.
c.         Educational Song
An educational song is a song that helps, increase and develops pupil’s language or knowledge.
d.        Business Song
A business song is very popular nowadays and very important. It is used by the people as a tool of advertisement to introduce a product of food, cosmetic, etc.

C.          Resume
In order to make the students familiar with English, they should interact in the ways that are as closely as possible to English real life situation, this means that students should be put in meaningful communication situation.
To overcome such kind of feeling the researcher offers using English song in English class, may give students much opportunity to practice English which will hopefully help them to build their self confidence to learn English and also can improve  their knowledge.
D.  Theoretical Framework
The focus in this research is to find out the students’ ability to master English vocabulary by using song. The theoretical framework underline this research is presented in the following diagrams.
Teaching Vocabulary
Using Song


Active Vocabulary                                       Passive Vocabulary


Input, process, and output above are briefly describes as follows:
1.      Input refers to the technique of teaching vocabulary to the students.
2.      Process refers to the implementation of the input in the classroom, namely the teaching learning process by using songs.
3.      Output refers to the student’s achievement in vocabulary.

Chapter III
Method of the research

This chapter presents the research design, variable and their operational definitions population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and techniques of data analysis.
A. Research Design
This research uses the pre-experimental which apply pretest-post test design. The schematics representation or the design is as follows:
01                    X                         02
01 = Pre-test
X = Treatment
02 = Post Test
Gay (1981:225)
B. Variables and their operational definition of variables
This research consists of two variables which are:
1.      The independent variable
The independent variable is the variable that is varied or manipulated by the researcher. An independent variable is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon. The independent variable is the variable that is controlled and manipulated by the experimenter; whereas the dependent variable is not manipulated, instead the dependent variable is observed or measured for variation as a presumed result of the variation in the dependent variable.  In this research independent variable is songs.
2.      The dependent variable
      Dependent variable is the response that is measured. Dependent variables can be influence by controlled variables. In this research the dependent variable is the students’ vocabulary mastery which is the vocabulary that the students achieve after the learning process and then use correctly and appropriately in the vocabulary text given.
C. Population and Sample
1. Population
The population of the research is the first year students of SMA Negeri I Wotu in academic year 2012/2013. The number of population was 306 students.
2. Sample
The sampling technique use in the research is cluster random sampling. The writer takes only one class of the population as the sample of this research. The sample is taken from the population the first grade consisting of 30 (thirty) students. The writer uses cluster random sampling technique in which one class is taken as the sample. This technique is used because the researcher is unable to choose participant individually, but able to choose intact group randomly.

D. Instrument of the Research
The instrument of the research is a vocabulary test used as pretest and protest. The pretest is intended to investigate the students’ prior knowledge on English vocabulary before giving treatment while the posttest is given to measure the students’ achievement on English vocabulary mastery after the treatment has been given.
E. Procedure of Collecting Data
The procedures of collecting data are presented in chronologically order as below:
1.      The writer will give pretest in order to know the students’ previous knowledge about vocabulary. The test took 45 minutes.
2.      Treatment
            The treatment is given in four meetings after the pretest is conducted. At these meeting. Each meeting has one topic. The writer uses the song to teach vocabulary according to the time allocated.
3.      Posttest
After giving the treatment to the students, the writer distributes the same vocabulary test used in pretest to check the result of the treatment
F.     Technique of Data Analysis
The data is collected through the test and analysis. The step in analyzing the data is described as follows:
1.      Scoring the student’s answer of pretest by using the following formula:

Score =

X 100

Score =
  Students correct answer
                    The number of items
( Puskur, 2006:32)
2.      Classifying the student score
Very good
Very Poor

( Puskur, 2006:33 )
3.      Computing the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ scores.
P : percentage
Fq: frequency of the students’ score
N: the total number of students
(Gay, 1987)
4.      Calculating the mean score of the students’ vocabulary mastery using the following formula

Where:                        = mean score
                                     = the number of all scores
                                       N      = the number of students
(Gay, 1987:361)
5.      Calculating the standard deviation using the following formula
Sd =    
                 Sd       = standard deviation
          2 = the total sum of the test squared 
             = the total sum of test
            n          = the number of all students
6.      Finding out the significant different between the pre –test and post –test by calculating the value of the t-  test for dependent variable:
 = Deviation
 = Standard Deviation
 = Number of subject
Where :              t               :    test of significance
                          D              :    the difference between the matched pairs ( X1-T-X2)
                          D              :    the mean of Ds
              (åD)        :    the square of D                                                                                                                                                                                    (Gay,1981:33)