
Friday 31 May 2013

“Developing Speaking Ability Of The Tourism Department Students Of SMKN 1 Benteng Selayar Through Tourism Object Pictures

This chapter deals with the description of background, the problem statement, and the objective of the research. The significances and the scope of the research also include in this chapter.
A.    Background
Life is communication. It shows that human usually indicate with communication or commonly we called as language. Language is the most important things in all aspects of life, through language the people can express their ideas, share to others and to get information from others. Language can be expressed whether in oral and written form.  However both of the kind of languages have the different aspects. Through oral communication or speaking , the people will directly understand but in written form, it will be hard to measure whether the people read it soundly or silently.
Especially in English, speaking sometimes become a hard thing to do event the people have thousands opinion in their mind but it’s so hard to be expressed.  It may caused by the people are unable to pronounce and unable to arrange the sentences. Pantson and Brunder (1975) stated that the objective of the language is the production of the speaker competence to communicative in the target language.
Chastain (1976 : 334) states that learning to speak is obviously more difficult than learning to understand spoken language. One who want to speak to others some times faces some problems in producing ideas, argument or feeling communicatively.
Those problems are commonly found in a formal and informal education. Almost of the students will be hard to express their ideas even they know what should they do, but they can not express their million ideas in their mind.
Ur (1999 : 121) classifies some problems faced by the students in learning English such as :
1.      Inhibition.
Almost of the students often inhibited about trying to say something using foreign language in front of the classroom, because they tend to be worry about mistakes, fearful of critics, or simply shy of the attention that their attracts.
2.      Nothing to say
Many students who learn English, often have no ideas to be expressed in a situation that they have to speak beyond the guilty situation or feeling.
3.      Low participation
It usually happens in the classroom that only a few of students talk.
4.      Mother tongue use.
In classes or a number of the students have a same mother tongue, so they prefer speak using their mother tongue to make them easier.

 One way that will use to develop the students’ ability and let them speak through pictures. Through the picture the students will be easier to arrange their own words showed by the pictures like the things that they can see in the picture, colour, and even a situation showed by the pictures. In this case the researcher tries to practice it by conducting a research to the tourism department students of SMKN 1 Selayar.

Dorrit Sasson (2007) stated that through pictures the teacher will help the students in Depending on the variety of visual resources and class level and ability, a teacher can brainstorm with the class a variety of sentences, key words, and phrases around a particular category or situational context that is the building block for a presentation.

Tourism department’s students are supposed to speak and interpret the tourism objects to the tourist, but in fact their achievement in speaking is still low. It can be seen in their speaking subject and in their guiding subject, they don’t know where they should begin and finish their speaking, or mostly they only memorize the story without using their own words, with a limited vocabulary, accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility ( Heriyanti Nur, S.Pd)
Based on the explanation above, the researcher will conduct a research entitled “Developing Speaking Ability Of The Tourism Department Students Of SMKN 1 Benteng Selayar Through Tourism Object Pictures” the research do hope that it can help them in developing their speaking ability in interpreting the tourism objects in Selayar as their basic skills as candidates of guide in the future.

B. The problem statement of the research.
Based on the background above, the problem of the research can be mentioned in the following questions:
1.      Do the students have high motivation in speaking English using tourism object pictures?
2.      Does the use of tourism object pictures significantly help them to improve their speaking ability?
C. Objective of the research
By realizing the problem statement above, so the objective of the research can be stated that:
1.      To know about the effectiveness of using tourism object pictures in increasing their motivation to speak English, and
2.      To know about the effectiveness of using tourism object pictures in developing their ability to speak English.

D. The significance of the research
In general, the findings of this research will be expected to be a useful information for teaching and learning activity, and as an effort in changing the classroom atmosphere to develop their speaking ability, and in specific the researcher findings will be expected to:
1.      Share experiences with the teacher in developing the students speaking ability through tourism object pictures.
2.      Give any contribution for teacher and especially for the students in interpreting the tourism objects with a better speaking skill.
3.      Increasing the guiding technique of the students or the people in charge in tourism in doing their profession using a good speaking skill.
4.      Be useful information for the people who want to conduct further research through pictures to learn English.

E. Scope of the research
This research restricts to the discipline of applied linguistic and limited to the second year student of tourism department students of SMKN 1 Benteng Selayar. The students learn how to use tourism object pictures in speaking. The students will speak according to the tourism object pictures that they will use in speaking. The main goals of the research, that the teacher will control them in expressing their idea, and improving their confidence in speaking.

This chapter deals with important points. The first points is some previous related findings, the second is some pertinent idea, the third is theoretical framework, the forth is hypothesis.  
A.     Some Previous Related Findings.
            Speaking as an important tool of communication has made ESL teachers and researchers develop language learning method process by implementing various technique. Some of the previous findings are quoted below:       
1.      Ponganan (2002) concluded that the using of visual aids to stimulate classroom communication concluded that the visual aid can help students in expressing their ideas and the type of visual aids that the students like best is map and drawing.
2.      Darwis (2004) concluded that the use of pictures can increase the students’ motivation to speak and through pictures, the students can brainstorm their own ideas.
According to the findings above, so the writer assumes that, the use of pictures or visual medias will help the students to stimulate and brainstorm their ideas in speaking, and it helps the students in increasing their confidence and motivation to speak.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas.
1. Theories Of Speaking.
            As Widdowson (1995 : 58) states that : “ an act of communication  through speaking is commonly performed  face to face interaction and occur as part of dialogue or rather forms of verbal exchange. According to Burns and Joyce (1977), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information, including their collective experiences, the physical environment such as pictures, interesting view and the like.
              According to oxford dictionary, speaking is the action of conveying information or expressing one’s thought and feelings in spoken language, and the activity of delivering speeches or lecturers. Considering the definition above, speaking can mentioned as an oral skills among people who in the activity of transferring, accepting information by speakers to listeners or by expressing ideas or feelings through oral communication.  Irwin(1979:10-18) stated that oral skill is what people say, and where the speaker and the listener are, they express what they are feeling at the moment and the listener just keep listening and understanding in order to give response.
            To teach the speaking subject it will be better to understand involved in speech. Through speech, one can express their emotion communicative intentions, personal situation, in doing speaking as the important tools of communication, how ever the successful of communication can be seen when mutual understanding between speaker and listener in exchanging ideas, works as their wishes. Ur (1996:120) classifies the characteristic of successful speaking activity:
a.       Learners talk a lot
b.      Participation is event
c.       Motivation is high
d.      Language is In acceptable level
The other things that we have to pay attention in speaking are by seeing the elements of speaking as follows:
a)      Phonology                        : The study of speech sounds
b)      Vocabulary           : Numbers of words in language.
c)      Grammar              : The study of use of words.

2.      Types of speaking
According to Haycraft (1999), Speaking skill that known as an oral communication between speaker and listener can be classified into three categories:
a.      Oral communication with direct response.
In this kind of communication the speaker and the listener are freely to express their own opinion, or simply we can say that the speakers say what they wish to say, while the listeners are listening, and understanding the point delivered by the speakers then giving direct responses. It may occurs in social interaction where the informal languages is dominant. This kind of speaking usually done by a society or population in the daily activities.
b.      Oral communication with indirect response.
The type of such communication usually happen in a situation where the speaker is listened by the audience in such a formal meeting, where the speaker provides materials to be presented in a special topic, while the listeners have a chance to ask and response the materials by the speaker after having a chance to speak given by a moderator. This kind of communication usually used in a speech contest, where both of the groups of speaker are controlled by a moderator.
It also may happen in a situation when there is a foreign interpreter, then translated by a translator into a local languages used by the listeners, therefore the listeners can understand the languages after the translator translates it into the listeners mother tongue.
c.       Oral communication without response.
It may be happen in such a formal or informal communication where the listener don’t have a chance to give a response after the speaker delivering a speech like when the leader of ceremony delivers a speech in a ceremony or special event in a particular time or event.
3.      What Is Tourism Object Pictures
a.      The definition of Pictures
Pictures are visual aid or the printed object as a representative of a real place or people taken into a piece of paper or the other medias. According to oxford dictionary, pictures are painting, drawing or photograph, or the description of something like. To give more explanation about the definition of pictures are presented below:
Hornby (1993:15) states that a picture is a representation of an individual painting or drawing and visual impressions.
Gerlach (1971) describe, “Picture as a record or a copy of a real object or event, which may be larger or smaller than the object, or even it represents”
Mansertin (1991) states pictures are painting, drawing or photograph, especially as a work of art.
In teaching English using pictures need some criteria that must be applied by the teacher as a facilitator in teaching and learning activities, Wright (1977) proposes five criteria of using pictures as visual aids:
1.            Easy to prepare
2.            Easy to organized
3.            Interesting
4.            Meaningful and authentic
5.            Sufficient amount of language.
              Lesnusa (1998) points out some features from using pictures:
    1. Pictures give students motivations on to use their abilities and the most important ingredient in learning to write a foreign language is motivation.
    2. Picture has important role in teaching of English writing on the early stage because they illustrate print move vividly than word.
    3. Pictures make students interested and involved themselves unconsciously.
    4. Picture is effective device for teaching of English writing as they can make the facts more understandable and interesting.
    5. Using picture, students have greater opportunities to improve their learning of writing.
Sudjana and Rivai (1999) summarized the roles of pictures as instructional media:
a.       To promote learning motivation, students would be more interested in learning when the teachers used pictures as an instructional media.
b.      To provide various kinds of teaching so the learners will not feel borred and the teacher are not so exhausted.
c.       To enable learners to understand the message better  as the material are presented in a certain way that make students easy to understand the message.
d.      To activate the students to communicate with their friends in the target of language. Students can be more active, insisted of listening, they can discuss the message and they can demonstrate it.
b.      What is Tourism Object Pictures?
The wise statement says, “I hear I forget, I see I know, and I do I understand”. Tourism object pictures are one way to facilitate the students in speaking. Ruis 2003 said that teaching showing pictures can make the students remember more, more impressed, more interested and more focused.  Tourism object pictures it self is a picture about the tourism destination which is  relates to some tourism event like local traditions, dances, habits or the activities of people in one country or one place, tourism also relates to panorama like  mountain, sea, beach, rivers, and the like.
Through tourism object pictures the student can brain storm their own ideas in delivering speech according to the picture given or some informations that belong to the pictures. The information can be where are the pictures take place? the activities that people can do, kinds of transportation that we can use, and the like. In this activity, the student will talk more about the pictures or information relates to the pictures, and the students will promote the tourism destination orally to his / her friends.

c.       Teacher’s Role in Using Tourism Object Pictures
Teacher is the facilitator in teaching and learning activities, so the teacher holds an important role for the teaching and learning activities. The role of the teacher in using tourism object pictures in developing students speaking ability can be applied by giving tourism object pictures that interested to them and through the pictures the students can stimulate their own ideas, and the teacher let the students to speak and act like an interpreter or guide who explain all the things relate to the picture and allow the other students to participate by giving questions about the information delivered by the speaker, or the audience need more or specific information about the picture. Through this activity, the students will be more active and the target of communication can be reached by both of the speaker and the audience.

C.  Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework underlying this research is given in the following diagram:
Teaching Materials            
The students’ improvement using tourism object pictures
Teaching and learning process by using tourism object pictures

a.       Input refers to the tourism object pictures provided for students.
b.      Process refers to the implementation of the input in the classroom.
c.       Output refers to the student’s development in speaking by using tourism object pictures.

D. Hypothesis
      Ho: The use tourism object pictures can not develop the students speaking ability.
      H1:  The use tourism object pictures can develop the students speaking ability.

This chapter discuss about research design, variables and operational definition  of the research, population sample, instrument of the research, technique of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.
A.     Research Design
In this research the writer will apply pre-experimental research, designed with one pre test group and one pos-test design. The design will involve one group with pre-test and will expose to treatment and post test. The treatment will be in three meetings.
The design is as follow:
            O1                   X                     O2                  
Where  : O1     = Pretest
              X        = Treatment
              O2      = Post Test                              
                                                                        (Gay, 1981)

B. Variables and Operational Definition
1. Variables
This research has two variables, namely:  the use of tourism object pictures in teaching English as independent variable and the students’ ability in speaking as dependent variable.
2. Operational Definition
a. Tourism Object Pictures
 Tourism object pictures are a photograph or picture about the tourism destination which is  relates to some tourism events like local traditions, dances, habits or the activities of people in one country or one place, tourism also relates to panoramas like mountain, sea, beach, rivers, and the like.
b. The Use of Tourism Object Pictures
Tourism Object Pictures is a teaching media to facilitate the students in teaching and learning process in speaking subject.
c. Speaking Ability
Speaking ability is the power, skill, knowledge or quality to perform and explain the tourism object pictures by giving some informations relate to the tourism object pictures.

C.     Population And Sample
1.      Population
Population in this research will be the second year student of tourism department of SMKN 1 Benteng Selayar.
2.      Sample
This research will use purposive sampling, where the second year of tourism department students will be the sample of the research, the total sample is 30 students. The reason for using purposive sampling, because the sample usually deal with tourism but their speaking ability still need to be improved.

D.     Instrument of the Research.
The instrument of the research will be a test of speaking about tourism object as a pre test to measure the students speaking ability before treatment and post test after giving treatment to see the improvement of the students’ speaking ability.  
E.     Procedure of Collecting Data
The steps in collecting data are as follows:
1.      Pretest
Pre test will be in May 2010. In this part the students will be asked to speak and perform about local tourism destination that they know, so the students will free to choose the object they want to speak. It will show the students’ prior knowledge in speaking before treatment.

2.      Treatment
Treatment will be given after pretest. The researcher will describe about pictures as a media in learning speaking specially for tourism object pictures and its procedures to the students. This process will be conducted in three meetings with 90 minutes for each meeting.
The students will have the same teaching procedures as follow:
a.       The researcher will explain about the pictures as a teaching and learning media to students, especially local tourism object pictures.
b.      The researcher will distribute some local tourism object pictures to the students.
c.       The researcher will ask the students to speak about the local tourism object pictures that they have got.
d.      The researcher will give 30 minutes for each student to speak about the picture.
The treatment will be held in three meetings and every meeting the researcher will give the students different pictures. The researcher will give two pictures for each meetings as follow :
·          First meeting :
§  Sun set at Baloiya beach
§  Sun rise at Ngapaloka
·          Second meeting :
§  Gong nekara
§  Jangkar raksasa
·         Third meeting :
§  Taka Bonerate National Park
§  Pamatata harbor
3.      Post test
      The post test will be conducted by researcher after treatment. The post test will be same with pretest. The researcher will allocate 30 minutes for each student about the local tourism object pictures they have owned. In post test the researcher will give two pictures for each meeting as post test. The test will be purposed to check whether there is an improvement or not of the students speaking ability after giving treatment.
F.      Technique of Data Analysis.
The data will be collected though the test quantitatively. To get the speaking score the writer , the writer will use the scoring scale which is relates to accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility of the students’ speaking activity.
To measure the speaking ability of the students the scoring system (Heaton 1989) will be formed as follow:
1.      Accuracy
The pronunciation is only influenced by mother tongue. Two or three minor grammatical errors. Appropriate word choice and understandable meaning for vocabulary
Very good
Pronunciation is slightly influenced by mother tongue, a few minor grammatical and lexical errors but most utterance correct. 
Pronunciation is still moderate influenced by the mother tongue. But no serious phonological errors. A few grammatical and lexical errors but only one or two major errors causing confusion, but the words are good.
Pronunciation is influenced by the mother tongue but only a few serious phonological errors, some of caused by confusion. The words are reasonably correct but awkward.
Pronunciation is seriously influenced by the mother tongue with errors causing a break down in communication. Many basic grammatical and lexical errors. The vocabulary is in adequate.
Very poor
Serious pronunciation errors, grammatical, and lexical errors. No evidence of having master any of the language skills.

2.      Fluency          
Speak without too great an effort with fairly wide range expression. Searches for words occasionally but not only one or two unnatural pauses.
Very good
Has to make an effort times to search for words. Nevertheless, smooth delivery on the whole and only a few unnatural pauses. 
Although he / she has to make an effort and search for words, there are not fairly smooth deliveries mostly. There are too many unnatural pauses. Occasionally fragmentary but succeeds in conveying the general meaning. Fair range of expression.
Has to make an effort for much of time often has to search for the desired meaning frequently and halting delivery. Almost gives up making an efforts at times. Limited range expression.
Long pauses while searching for the desired meaning. Frequently fragmentary and halting delivery. Almost gives up making the effort at times limited range of expression.
Very poor
Full of long unnatural pauses, very halting and fragmentary delivery. At times gives up making the effort. Very limited range of expression.

3.      Comprehensibility
Easy for the listener to understand the speaker’s intention and general meaning, very few interruption or classification required 
Very good
The speaker attention and general meaning are fairly clear. A few interruptions by listener for the sake of  clarifications are necessary. 
Most of what speaker says is easy to follow. His intention is almost clear but several interruptions are necessary to help in conveying message or seeking clarification.
The listener can understand much of what is said, but the speaker must constantly seek clarification. Can not understand many of the speaker’s more complex or longer sentences.
Only small bits (usually short sentences and phrases) can be understood and then with considerable effort by  some one who is listening to the speaker.
Very poor
Even when the listener makes a great effort or interrupts, the speaker is unable to clarify anything the speaker seems to have said.

The following scoring system is the system which used to get score from the three components of speaking:
X = A + F + C
Where: X: Score
            A: Accuracy
            F: Comprehensibility
The converted score uses the following formula:
 NS: Score of the students
 NT: Highest score
Then the result of the converted score put in the senior high school score grade classification:
91 – 100: very good
76 – 90: good
61- 75: fair
51 – 60: poor
Less than 50: very poor
                                                            (English Curriculum 2004)
1.      To find the pretest and the post test score, the researcher apply the following formula:
Where: X = mean score
            N = the total number of the students
            ∑x = the total score
                                                            (Gay, 1981)
2.      Calculating the value of t - test to find out the significance difference between the pretest and post test by applying the following formula :
( Gay , 1981)                                                                                   
Where:  t        = Test of significance
                   D       = The mean of different score
 ∑D    = The sum of different score
 N       = The total number of the sample
The researcher will count the data by using SPSS 15
























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