Sadarilah, mengeluh tidak menyelesaikan apapun

Ketika seseorang berusaha menjauhi hidupmu, biarkanlah. Kepergian dia hanya membuka pintu bagi seseorang yang lebih baik tuk masuk.


Friday, 31 May 2013

Business Letter Styles

Business Letter Styles The following pictures show what a one-page business letter should look like. There are three accepted styles. The horizontal lines represent lines of type. Click your mouse pointer on any part of the picture for a description and example of that part.        Modified Block Style    Block Style            Semiblock Style ...

General Antecedent Agreement

General Antecedent Agreement The antecedent of a pronoun is the word the pronoun refers to. There are several style problems which writers and speakers sometimes have when they do not match the pronoun and the noun it replaces correctly. Missing or Mismatched Antecedent A pronoun, unless it is an indefinite pronoun, must have an antecedent, a word it refers to. The pronoun must match the word it replaces--singular or plural, and, sometimes, masculine or feminine. Incorrect: Every student must have their pencils.(Both every and student are...

Comparison Problems

Comparison Problems There are five problems writers sometimes have with comparisons. 1. Make sure you are comparing similar items. Incorrect: The tusk of a mastodon is bigger than an elephant.(It sounds as if the writer is comparing the tusk with an elephant.)Correct: The tusk of a mastodon is bigger than the tusk of an elephant. 2. Make sure your comparison is balanced. Use the same pattern on both sides of the comparison to make it readable and clear. Unbalanced: The tusk of a mastodon...


COntoh Skripsi

Question Tag

Question Tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang ada di akhir kalimat. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, mungkin kita sering mendengar orang berkata, kamu terlambat, kan?. Nah kata "kan?" di sini disebut dengan question tag dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada topic ini kita akan membahas tentang: Positive Statement Negative Statement Imperative Statement 1. Positive Statement Rumus: (+) statement, (-) tag? a. Dengan Kata Bantu (Auxiliary) Contoh: You are the new secretary, aren't you? (bukan are not you?) George can swim well, can't he? I am going to...

COntoh Soal Try Out SMP

1.         Read the following notice. ROAD CLOSED UNTIL WEEKEND The notice above means … a.    We are allowed to pass only in the weekend b.    We must not pass the road until weekend c.    We are supposed to pass on Saturday d.    We are not allowed to close the road in weekend Read the invitation below and answer questions 2 and 3. Please join us for party dinner To celebrate ANNI’S THIRTIETH BIRTHDAY On Saturday, April 20th, 2011 at...