Sadarilah, mengeluh tidak menyelesaikan apapun

Ketika seseorang berusaha menjauhi hidupmu, biarkanlah. Kepergian dia hanya membuka pintu bagi seseorang yang lebih baik tuk masuk.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

British - American English - Spelling Rules

There are some spelling differences in American English. In the 1800's, the US Congress actually called for several changes to make words more phonetic. Look at the following examples: British English American English Example (British - American) words ending in -re change to -er centre - center metre - meter words ending in -our change to -or colour - color words ending in -ogue change to -og catalogue - catalog ...

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

kesalahan dalam menulis kalimat

Pertama, Verbs not agreeing with subjects  Aturannya sederhana: Kata Kerja serasi dengan Subyek (The verb agrees with the subject) Ø  Singular subject, singular verb Subyek tunggal harus ditemani kata kerja ‘tunggal’, contoh: The cat sits on the mat Ø  Plural subject, plural verb Subyek jamak harus ditemani kata kerja ‘jamak’, contoh: The cats sit on the mat Ø  Two singular subject, plural verb Dua subyek tunggal harus ditemani kata kerja ‘jamak’, contoh: The cat and the dog...

6 kesalahn dalam menulis kalimat..

Pertama, Verbs not agreeing with subjects  Aturannya sederhana: Kata Kerja serasi dengan Subyek (The verb agrees with the subject) Ø  Singular subject, singular verb Subyek tunggal harus ditemani kata kerja ‘tunggal’, contoh: The cat sits on the mat Ø  Plural subject, plural verb Subyek jamak harus ditemani kata kerja ‘jamak’, contoh: The cats sit on the mat Ø  Two singular subject, plural verb Dua subyek tunggal harus ditemani kata kerja ‘jamak’, contoh: The cat and the dog...